Saturday, February 24, 2007


I found the "Listening to myself listen" article quite interesting. In fact, it refreshes my memory of a Music Appreication class that I took a few years back. My teacher in that class thought that there's no other universal art other than music because almost every single human being started to listen to music or beat back when we were in the womb. I found that statement to be very true. Music delivers feeling and mood like any other art form. I feel that music can create much more influence to audiences perhaps even more than visual art alone. The same piece of visual art if played with different background music will definately have different impact to audience.

The sonic environment" is also very interesting theory to me. I never paid attention to this before I read this article that human has the ability to "unfocus" certain sounds in an environment. Like our brain can decide whether to focus our attention to our conversation in the coffee shop or to the sound of dishes and plates sound. And yet, there is always certain sound that breaks our attention such as a loud beeping sound or a warning signal.

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